Innovation underpins brand growth and development—for both new and established brands. But all successful innovation needs to start with the big idea: a big idea that is not afraid to challenge the status quo and push boundaries with genuine creative thinking. And an innovative, big brand idea does have the power to be world changing—if realized by design.
Author: Jonathan Ford
You are welcome to share your thoughts on this article written by Jonathan Ford , Creative Partner, Pearlfisher
What does ‘Limited Edition’ really mean any more? Originally, limited editions were truly exciting—something deeply special, in limited batches, that you just had to have. But now, we have a huge market full to the brim with different takes on the limited edition idea: collaborations with other brands, re-interpretations of brands, brand extensions in to new markets and worlds…
You are welcome to share your thoughts on this article written by Jonathan Ford , Creative Partner, Pearlfisher
The news that Tesco is pitting itself against the top brand leaders in the £1.2bn yoghurt sector with the launch of its new own-brand yoghurt offer — Yoo — is, I’m sure, making more than a few brands sit up and take notice.