The independent regulator for the UK communications industry, Ofcom, has conducted a survey on the knowledge and confidence of digital communication technologies among nearly 2,000 UK adults. In general, teens of 12-15 years old are the most tech-savvy respondents, while people aged 55 years old and over are losing their confidence in mastering new digital tools and devices.

Fairtrade Foundation, the UK-based charity and the flagship organization setting the standards of fair and equal labour across the developing world, is celebrating its 20th year and launching a new website. Vibrant and bold colour scheme is supported with the confident core message — ‘unlocking the power of the many’ — which sets the tone and direction of how the site looks and works. 

Jack Daniel’s Australia is going to celebrate its birthday in September with a crowd-sourced bar, and it’s seeking creatives that will help the company implement the idea. Fans are called to donate their precious time as well as enthusiasm, equipment and materials for the future “world’s first crowd sourced bar” that will carry Jack Daniel’s DNA.