Following the introduction of hilarious Happiness Machines, which help spread joy throughout the globe, Coca-Cola presented new vending units, helping collect money for activities that support earthquake victims in Japan. The idea behind the project is quite simple: when you buy a bottle or can of you favourite soft-drink, you may share your good mood and help with those who are in need in the areas of the country, which were damaged heavily by the natural disaster which shook the country in March.

Genuine green advertising is not commercials promoting eco-friendly goods—to have a legitimate right to be called ‘green,’ the message should be placed in the medium made of natural elements, literally. This notion underlies Coca-Cola’s idea to construct a plant billboard in Philippines—the project was developed in collaboration with WWF, which have partnered with the soft drink giant on climate protection and water conservation in the country. Earlier this year, Coca-Cola unveiled an orange-powered Energie Naturelle advertising stand for its Tropicana brand in France, and now it has created a billboard using CO2 absorbing plants.

PepsiCo is launching the first new advertising campaign for its flagship Pepsi-Cola in three years. The company paid less attention to its biggest brand after it slipped to No. 3 in U.S. soda sales last year, trailing not only Coke but Diet Coke. This summer brings a new wave to the brand’s life and results in a bit provocative TV-ad campaign where Coca-Cola’s Santa hangs out on a beach with a can of Pepsi, telling a barman he’s on vacation. The strapline is ‘Summer time is Pepsi time’.

Each year in June, the Côte d’Azur becomes the place with an overwhelming concentration of ‘lions’ (not animals, but beastly amazing advertising pieces) thanks to the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity. This year’s event, which was taking place June 19–25, saw “thought-leaders and experts in all forms of communications and creative thinking come together to inspire, debate and entertain” and revealed the best advertising projects from all around the globe.