As part of its commitment to healthy lifestyle, Nestlé will sponsor one of the world’s biggest youth sports development programs, the International Association of Athletics Federations’ (IAAF) Kids Athletics program, for the next five years.
Brands are trying to make use of the new feature, Facebook’s Timeline, which has been rolling out globally starting last week, and incorporate it into their communication with fans. Now, Facebook Timeline is not open for brands, so they have to be inventive enough in case they want to use this feature for strengthening their connections with fans online. “We are currently focused on Timeline for individuals and will consider how to make consistent experiences for Pages,” commented a Facebook representative to Mashable, “but we have nothing to announce at this time.”
But Mountain Dew has find a way out—it is encouraging its consumers to download the free, customizable images (851 x 315 pixels) in the Mountain Dew style for their Timeline profiles. Now, users can add the skin images to their profile and so get the brand ‘embedded’ into their lives.