Eat the city, drink the city, wear the city. Is it possible? With brands, there’s nothing beyond the bound of reality. The second part of our Brands and the City review is championing brand’s editions dedicated to metropolitan areas and smaller locations around the globe. Vodka, soft drinks, travel guides from luxury makers, burgers, accessories, coffee products, sneakers and a range of other goods, which pay tribute to various destinations, are now in the spotlight.

Coca-Cola India and NDTV, India’s largest news and infotainment network, in association with their NGO partners, UN-HABITAT, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and Sulabh International, embarked upon a unique initiative ‘Support My School.’ The campaign, started January 24, aims to develop healthy, active and happy schools in rural and semi-urban towns of India by improving basic amenities in educational institution of this kind and subsequently generate monetary resources for over 100 schools across the country.

Diet Coke and Heidi Klum joined forces on to raise awareness and funds for women’s heart health education and research. February is American Heart Month, and for the fourth consecutive year, Diet Coke is partnering with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to support ‘The Heart Truth®’ campaign (read more about the brand’s involvement in the movement in 2009 and 2010).