On January 27, Google presented ‘Life in a Day’ documentary at the Sundance Film Festival. This crowd-sourced featured film by Kevin Macdonald was created from over 450,000 hours of footage, sent by 80,000 users from 192 countries. People from all around the globe were invited by YouTube to record their daily routines on July 24, 2010, to create “an emotional journey.”
digital campaign
To endorse the newly-unveiled Mercedes-Benz CLS, Hamburg-based agency Jung von Matt/Alster presented a new interactive animated story, which deserves being called an art project. The animated video that constitutes the core element of the digital campaign for Mercedes-Benz CLS was created based on the short interactive and personizable story written by Joey Goebel. The Berlin-based illustration duo Drushba Pankow created visuals for the story.
Levi’s has launched another promotional project related to music, travelling, amateur documentary and pioneering youth spirit. The 2011 Levi’s Roadwear campaign, which was developed by BBH Asia Pacific, merges the best traditions of the previous brand’s initiatives of this kind, including the viral spot ‘Guy Walks across America’ and ‘Norte a Sur: Una Ruta, 5 Experiencias,’ a TV series chronicling the journey of five American Latinos along the Pan-American Highway. The campaign is supported by an interactive story which builds on a road trip by Mermonkey band, three mates who embarked on their first-ever tour across the country. Their routes are mapped on the website www.levisroadwear.com/my, which is created in style of old cartographic pieces on which brands jeans models look like geographical objects.
Starbucks is offering an easy way to share the gifts with friends on various occasions. Launched today, January 26, the all-new Starbucks Card eGift program provides digital-savvy consumers with an opportunity to send their family and friends a greeting card, which serves as a traditional off-line Starbucks card for purchasing beverage, food or merchandise within the chain or/and earning My Starbucks Rewards benefits.
On January 21, HP launched a crowd-sourced live event and video series ‘HP ePrint Live’ hosted by comedian Rob Riggle that was broadcast live on the web. The brand put viewers in control by allowing them to send ideas for skits via HP ePrint technology—they can simply email submissions for the cast to turn into a performance.