Nike continues running its 78 exhibit launched on May 30, 2010 as part of the celebration of its birthday when Blue Ribbon Sports company became Nike Inc. Now it is available online. In 2010, Nike tapped London-based designer Paul Jenkins to curate the works of 78 famed international creatives who reimagined Nike shoes in different ways.
It’s nearly impossible to create a better beer formula, but creative minds can offer new approaches to take the beer drinking process to the next level. As part of its Ideas Brewery project, HEINEKEN is challenging innovators from all around the globe to think and offer some new draught beer experiences. It is the second Open Innovation Challenge within the project (in April, when the Ideas Brewery was founded, the company called beer fans to create the innovative packaging for beer), and the beer maker wants contestants to use all their talent and technological solutions from other fields, the entertainment and gaming industries to name a few, to develop a truly stunning experience.
Levi Strauss kicks off a new stage of its ‘Go forth’ campaign by Wieden & Kennedy that was first launched in 2009. In 2011, the company used ‘Now is our Time’ message to encourage youth; this year, it is adding a new, more product-related slogan: ‘This is a pair of Levi’s.’ The new slogan will appear in ads not only for Levi’s jeans but also for dresses, shirts and nondenim items.
Intel is taking visualizing of the social media presence to the next level. Following the launch of the ‘Museum of Me’ project and the ‘Your Digital Life’ app, the tech giant sings a song about you. Intel Me The Musical brings your timeline to life and allows you to “re-experience your life like never before.”