Aspria, the premium collection of European members’ clubs, unveiled its new brand identity at the opening of its eighth club in Uhlenhorst, Hamburg on March, 1.
A unique model for furthering the frontiers of science through scientific research using state-of-the-art technology was established today with the launch of the Instruct Hub at, thanks to innovative strategy, design and digital innovation work of joint-agencies team of Fairley & Associates, Felt Branding and Hildebrand.
Interbrand, the world’s leading brand consultancy has released its 2nd annual global report dedicated to the retail sector. The Best Retail Brands report ranks the top 50 U.S. retail brands by brand value, as well as the top retail brands from the U.K., France, Germany, Spain, and the Asia Pacific region.
Nivea, the iconic cosmetics brand, which turned 100 last year, is launching new limited-edition packs designed by a fashion designer and leading brand and packaging design agency Bulletproof. The new ‘Nicola de Main’ packaging for Nivea Soft will arrive in stores across UK, Ireland, Scandinavia and The Netherlands in mid-May. The light-hearted and colourful design, which features springs birds, adds to the feeling of the season, sunny cheerfulness and warmth and echoes with the brand’s attitude of making life beautiful.
Stella Artois, the beer brand, which traditionally integrates the French cinema aesthetic of the 60s into its advertising projects (the series of ‘She is a thing of beauty’ adverts and the King of Cannes competition are just a few examples), is now digging deeper into the past and pays tribute to the rich over 600-year history of brewing in Belgium, the brand’s motherland. This time, Stella Artois makes the Chalice the key element of the new outdoor advertising campaign in the UK—the iconic beer glass, the signature image of the brand, has been incorporated in the promotional projects before, but it hasn’t been the key image as the ads were rather focusing on the brand’s 9-step pouring ritual and visual style of people and environment.