Landor Associates Unveils Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Identity

Landor Associates, creative partner to the biennial Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, has revealed a new visual identity for the QEPrize as the call for nominations to the international engineering community is launched.

In this first phase of an ongoing branding and communications plan Landor has; defined the purpose for the prize, designed a logo and visual identity, built the website, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr sites, created a brand film and supporting film assets, contributed creative PR ideas and directed the overall on and offline QEPrize experience.

Photo: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering identity—a business card

Ross Kirke, client director at Landor, says, “We’re extremely proud to have been a part of a project that celebrates the hidden wonders of modern engineering. Our work succeeds in telling this story, across media, in a manner that not only inspires the existing engineering elite but that also excites the next generation of engineers.”

Matt Comboy, design director at Landor, says, “The creative challenge was to tell a story that resonated as strongly with the engineering establishment as with a fifteen year old girl considering her career options. The identity system we created allowed us to modulate communications to be relevant across the board, across media and across borders.”

Photo: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering identity

Landor’s work for the registered charity began in January 2012 following a competitive pitch.