Domino’s Pizzas Australia is launching a new promotion, Pizza Mogul, allowing everyone to become a millionaire by starting their own business on the brand’s platform. The consumers are invited to create their own pizza recipe, name, share it across the social media channels, and eventually sell it. The more popular the pizza variety is among other consumers, the more the creator will earn.

Domino’s Pizza, one of the biggest US pizza brands, being determined to change their customer’s attitude to the ingredients used in course of pizza production, launched its latest marketing campaign dubbed ‘Behind the Pizza’. Several videos showed how the target group, taken to Wisconsin countryside, sitting in a room and sharing their perception of ingredients of Domino’s Pizza (generally, American’s don’t believe food products are made of natural ingredients)… Suddenly the room rigs up to reveal the Wisconsin farm where the fresh ingredients are harvested. The camera capture’s astonished customers who are really impressed with the brand’s efforts to deliver fresh and natural products.