Writers’ Guidelines

General requirements

1. Target length should be 600-1,000 words.
2. Article should be written for Popsop exclusively and not published anywhere else online.
3. Article must be non-promotional in nature.
4. Copy should be sent to media@popsop.com in a Word/Pages document with all the embedded links and images.
5. Article should be accompanied by an author’s short professional biography and a headshot.
6. Content is published (or declined) within 2-3 days after the submission. An author doesn’t have an access to the Popsop admin interface—our team publishes the content manually.

Who reads Popsop

You might want to know how many readers you can get. Well, quite a bit. Our stat reports indicate that each month we have 51,685 readers (as of July 2014). Our audience includes marketing specialists, brand managers, package designers, and advertising consultants from literally around the world. We’re carefully observing what’s happening in the world of global brands to bring our readers only the most interesting and highlight headlines. More details on our audience is available at the Advertising page.

What you are expected to write about

Here is the list of general directions that are of interest to Popsop:

1. FMCG brands: relevant case studies, researches or spotlights on specific industries and segments.
2. Design and marketing best practices.
3. High-tech brands: Apple, Google, Microsoft etc. What technology is to come next.
4. Challenger brands: where they come from, what makes them different.
5. Future of brands and specifics of their marketing strategies in ‘developing countries’: Asia-Pacific, Latin American & Post-Soviet regions.
6. Brands on a new digital scene: online campaigns, promotions & incentives, presence in social media networks—what’s hot today.
7. Retail case studies, shopper insights and brand profiles. Future of private brands.
8. Green Brands. Green initiatives. Recycling.
9. Social projects, philanthropy, sustainability.

How to become our expert

If you want to become our contributing expert, drop a short e-mail at experts@popsop.com, say a few words about yourself and your expertise and indicate how you would like to collaborate with us. We are open to new ideas, challenging projects and outstanding experts!