Born between 1980s and 2000, Millenials were the first so-called digital generation, while their younger siblings Centennials were the first born with smartphone in their palms. Access to technology and information has influenced their behavioral patterns globally. However, technological ‘native-ness’ is not the only trait that differs the two younger consumer age groups, a research by the Futures Company finds.
Author: Popsop Staff
Despite the hype about the ever-growing role of social-media marketing in business strategy of B2C organizations, the latest research by Simply Measured shows that on average American brands spend just 9.9% of their allocated digital marketing budget in 2015. However, it is to double and reach 22.5% in the next five years, according to projections of the survey participants.
Continuing its «Futures» series of thought-provoking trend forecasts, the branding agency Dragon Rouge has conducted a study on urban space and the future of build environments in the UK. Together with Travis Perkins, a British builders’ merchant and home improvement retailer, they have identified six continuous forces that will shape digital and physical environment by 2030.
The latest research by the loyalty management firm Aimia Institute finds that Millenials are the most sensitive to digital overload. 44% of Millenials are likely to unfollow a brand on social media or unsubscribe from newsletters if they feel overwhelmed with digital communications. For comparison, just 13% of Gen X feel the same way.