Wrigley’s Skittles invites its fans to create a holiday ad on the dedicated page, using all range of filmmaking tools. The brand known for its hilarious and weird “rainbow”-themed spots is offerings its consumers a splendid opportunity to make a DIY spot online and then share it with friends. After touching, sweating, tasting, etc. the rainbow, the brand now encourages its fans to create the rainbow in their own advert.

Google Analytics has released three humorous videos, which revolve around the theme of bad online shopping experience. Recognizing the importance of proper digital marketing and web-stores’ functioning during the holiday shopping season, Google’s division demonstrates “how missteps on the digital shelf play out in real life.” While these problems don’t seem that big online, they would drive us mad if we have experienced them in brick-and-mortar stores.

Diesel mixed magic and psychology this season to help a group of young guys and girls reveal their true Christmas morning feelings they used to experience when they were little kids. The brand launched the Magic of Christmas promotion on its website, where it has posted three videos starring young Diesel fans who were hypnotized to act just like they were 5 years old. Believe it or not, all the reactions in the videos are real, Diesel says.

HEINEKEN invites its consumers to submit their observations on the lives of today’s 60 -70 year-olds. The company has launched a new competition, «60+Generation,» through its creative hub, IdeasBrewery.com, where it accepts themed submissions in all formats, from photos and videos to written stories. The winning entries will become part of a 60+ documentary movie.

Pepsi is announcing a new brand ambassador, Beyoncé, who actually has been on the brand’s celebrity roster since 2002. As part of the new round of partnership, which is defined as a “true creative and wide-ranging global collaboration,” the brand and the international music icon will be developing “new content and innovative ways to engage fans, consumers and retailers to benefit both brands,” notes Pepsi.