Gap celebrates the school season and promotes its new fall collection for kids by launching the Shine On campaign in the USA and Canada. The new promotion, which basically syncs with the brand’s Be Bright positioning for older consumers, features kids ranging from one to 12 years old, who are spreading joy around themselves and painting a mural on the campus of Daniel Webster Middle School in Los Angeles with vibrant colours.

Apple is taking a new step in promoting its laptops—the tech giant has released a series of ads which was launched in the USA on the day of the Olympics Opening Ceremony. The short adverts feature stand-up comedian Josh Rabinowitz as an Apple Store Genius, who knows answers to all questions to arise and is always happy to help. In the adverts, created by TBWA\Media Arts Lab, the guy gets into silly situations, which are actually not that humorous. The spots, which appeared on the official Apple channel on YouTube on July 27, have already got a lot of dislikes according to the statistics below the video.

Levi Strauss kicks off a new stage of its ‘Go forth’ campaign by Wieden & Kennedy that was first launched in 2009. In 2011, the company used ‘Now is our Time’ message to encourage youth; this year, it is adding a new, more product-related slogan: ‘This is a pair of Levi’s.’ The new slogan will appear in ads not only for Levi’s jeans but also for dresses, shirts and nondenim items.