When marketers’ imagination is vivid, budgets are solid and passion for discovery is strong, content marketing pieces may turn out extraordinary, which is the case with the latest project by Pernod Ricard-owned whiskey brand Ballantine’s. No cliche’d images of successful guys in suits with pricey watches, no dancing-all-night glamourous ladies and other triviality associated with ‘elite alcohol’—the brand’s team has gone far beyond that with their communication platform «Stay True.»

Despite the hype about the ever-growing role of social-media marketing in business strategy of B2C organizations, the latest research by Simply Measured shows that on average American brands spend just 9.9% of their allocated digital marketing budget in 2015. However, it is to double and reach 22.5% in the next five years, according to projections of the survey participants.

Continuing its «Futures» series of thought-provoking trend forecasts, the branding agency Dragon Rouge has conducted a study on urban space and the future of build environments in the UK. Together with Travis Perkins, a British builders’ merchant and home improvement retailer, they have identified six continuous forces that will shape digital and physical environment by 2030.