The Australian Marie Claire, the women’s lifestyle magazine, has collaborated with six local advertising agencies for the campaign aiming to help younger female audience build self-esteem. The initiative inspires women to love their bodies from early age, even during tough life periods such as puberty, when they might feel clumsy and not attractive.

Today, being eco-minded is an integral part of living consciously. Consumers are switching to “slow” food, “slow” fashion, “slow” living, focusing on quality and durability rather than quantity and growth. People are caring not only about what and how they consume, they are questioning their impact on environment and society: consumerism is gradually giving way to mindful lifestyle.  Now, it’s not about owning or digesting more, it’s about consuming no more than you really need, making the most of resources and giving back to nature. Below, there are six growing trends that have been driving mindful consumption movement over the year of 2013.

Cities are gradually evolving into more personalized spaces, allowing citizens to organize their life in the most sustainable way. Originally being areas for masses, cities are shifting towards focusing on individuals—their intellectual and physical needs, their passions, social and environmental views and aspirations.

Within the past year, there have been two major trends in re-arranging urban life: on the one hand, cities tend to be eco-friendly and more comfortable; on the other hand, the urban environment integrates technology for communal living, thus gets more tech-oriented and somewhat futuristic.

Find some most vibrant trends in urban living that will gain momentum in 2014, below.

IBM has unveiled its annual report “5 in 5,” featuring predictions on computing technologies—cognitive systems—that will develop within the next 5 years to improve our lives. The forecast is focusing on such areas as learning, retail, healthcare, urban living and safety—each theme is illustrated by a vivid infographics and animated video plus a prediction provided by a researcher/expert in the field. Find highlights from the paper below.

WWF has teamed up with the Do The Green Thing online platform of creative “green” ideas to get UK artists celebrating Earth Hour 2014 with their artworks. The environmental organization is inviting UK young creatives to contribute to the global movement and get their work featured among the 29 pieces by professional poster artists. The national competition in support of the WWF’s Earth Hour, marked on March 29 next year, will be held in cooperation with Pentagram Design.