LG and Prada have launched a new ad campaign to promote its latest smartphone, the Prada phone by LG 3.0, which was announced last year. The ads feature actor Edward Norton (Primal Fear, American History X, Fight Club) and model Daria Werbowy shot by British fashion photographer David Sims.
Photo: Edward Norton and Daria Werbowy, from www.lgblog.co.uk
This is the third phone from the collaboration and represents a key design venture for both companies. Norton and Werbowy who was modeling for Prada before, embody the core values behind the Prada phone by LG 3.0—stylish looks and smart functionality, says the official LG blog.
Dr. Jong seok Park, President and CEO of LG Mobile Communications Company commented: “LG is delighted to have these talented and successful individuals on board to help launch this smartphone. They embody the very essence of the PRADA phone by LG 3.0, combining style with substance, as well as bringing to life this outstanding smartphone.”
The Prada phone by LG 3.0 features one of the biggest and brightest screens at 4.3-inch and 800-nit screen. Ultra thin, with only 8.5mm depth, as well as chic and simple, the handset has a signature Saffiano pattern to the back, all finished in classic black.
The phone has a 1.0 GHz Dual-Core/Dual-Channel architecture for high-speed performance, and dual-band Wi-Fi for high-speed surfing on the go. Accessories, such as a PRADA branded cradle and Bluetooth ear set are also available.