American Express has teamed up with Nick Knight, a fashion photographer, to launched a real-time photo exhibit on Twitter. As part of the collaboration, the master will be capturing whatever attracts his eye around his home in West London —the focus will be made on “hidden inspiration.” The effort running under the #MySecretCity hashtag, which is also its tagline, is rolling out on July 3.
American Express
American Express is rolling out a new program, Small Business Saturday initiative, in the UK to promote local brands, retailers and services, encouraging the consumers to shop locally. The credit card brand collaborated with the Ogilvy&Mather agency to deliver its message though a vibrant visual campaign that includes a TV advert, web promotions and prints.
Twitter is stepping into a new area of e-commerce by partnering with American Express to enable its consumers to buy goods by simply typing in a hashtag of an item they want to purchase. To start using the micro blogging service for shopping purposes, users are invited to sync their Amex accounts with their Twitter profile here, at