Not so long ago Nespresso presented a series of tongue-in-cheek TV adverts with George Clooney and John Malkovich starring, and it already has more sophisticated and delightful things in store to please its consumers.

This time, the brand launched Nespresso N-Art campaign aimed at collaborating with modern artists to find innovative and inspiring ways for brand promotion. As part of this campaign, Nespresso invited Indian avant-gardist fashion designer Manish Arora to decorate its brand flagship store on Champs Elysees in Paris.

Kit Kat, one of the most successful brands produced by the Nestlé company, is celebrating its 75th birthday. The name of the iconic chocolate ‘fingers,’ approx. 540 of which are consumed every second around the globe (according to the Guinness Book of Records as of March 2010), dates back to the 17th century and originates from a London-based literary and political club called Kit Kat, the abbreviated name of pastry chef Christopher Catling, the owner of a pie shop where its meetings were held.

Energy drinks with a super healthy touch—that’s what the world is waiting for and what US consumers are about to receive in just a couple of months. Nestlé USA, part of Nestlé, S.A., once of the largest beverage companies in the world, and Jamba Juice Company, a popular brand of health life-style drinks and smoothies, are going to enter the US market of energy beverages with a new collaborative product. On October 5, the two producers announced their intention to sign a partnership for the development and launch of an RTD energy drinks line set to arrive in the US market in the beginning of the next year.

Nestlé announced the creation of Nestlé Health Science S.A. and the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences to pioneer a new industry between food and pharma. These two separate organisations will allow Nestlé to develop the innovative area of personalised health science nutrition to prevent and treat health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease, which are placing an unsustainable burden on the world’s healthcare systems.