With the rise of technology and gamification trends in the modern consumer world, outdoor advertising is rapidly evolving from mere paper posters and billboards to multisensory pieces that are engaging, educational, entertaining and sustainable. This article offers a brief recap of some game-changing examples of how to harness the power of traditional on-the-wall ads by giving them a little tech and/or designer tweak. Below, there’s a list of wall and outdoor advertising, split into categories, depending on the approach applied.
The Schwartz brand of condiments has released an awesome surreal ad that sees exotically-coloured herbs and spices bursting out of their bags to the piano score. The ad by Grey London titled “The Sound of Taste” documents an experiment that can be described as “sonic flavourscape.” Inspired by the notion that taste has its own intrinsic melody, Schwartz has demonstrated how this music can be visualized.