Unlike many car manufacturers that hope to engage with the multimillion Facebook or Twitter audiences, Honda Australia has chosen a less popular, professional social-media networking site LinkedIn to promote its new Accord. The brand has collaborated with Leo Burnett Melbourne and ZenithOptimedia to launch a promotional website Honda Accord A-Team, where users (residents of Australia) can sign in with their LinkedIn accounts to enter a contest and win business-technology products worth AUD$3,000.

IKEA is exploring the theme of smart interiors for tiny homes in its latest campaign, “Make Small Spaces Big,” in the UK and Ireland. The new effort by Mother is revolving around the idea that any small apartment can be turned into a comfortable and functional space with the help of bright furnishing solutions and wisely designed products from the Swedish retailer.

Real freedom means listening to your heart and not sticking to the rules set by others. Among other things, it means that you mark special occasions when you think it’s right. On the eve of the U.S. Independence Day, July 4, the British beer brand Newcastle Brown Ale encouraged Americans to “enjoy American freedom by celebrating British rule” before the actual date.

PepsiCo has launched a billboard campaign that features the human circulatory system imagery to highlight the positive impact of sodas on a human body. The red and blue colours of the veins and vessels make up the traditional colour scheme of the Pepsi brand, and this fact became the inspiration behind the “Iconic Refreshment” promotion, developed by BBDO Proximity Düsseldorf.