In celebration of the life and work of Stephan Weiss, fashion icon Donna Karan announced the establishment of The Urban Zen Stephan Weiss Apple Awards. The premiere event held on June 9 in New York at The Urban Zen Center founded in 2007 by Donna Karan.
The first awards received Ex-president William Jefferson Clinton for Preservation of Culture, Courtney Ross for Education and Dr.Mehmet Oz for Well-being. These three areas of honor correspond to Urban Zen Foundation’s core initiatives for creativity, collaboration and change. An Inspiration Series to further benefit culture, education and well-being, will show up in the end of the year.
The event commemorated the tenth year passing of Stephan Weiss, the artist, creative visionary and life partner of Donna Karan. Weiss, a prolific artist and sculptor passed after his seven-year cancer battle.
«Stephan ‘connected the dots’ in his art, business, family and friends,» says Karan. «His legacy, strength and seven year battle with cancer have been the inspiration for our journey at Urban Zen. Stephan’s legacy continues to live on, not only in his work, but in the work we do at Urban Zen within the walls of his studio.»
The ‘Apple’ of the award refers to Weiss’s ‘Larger than Life’ bronze apple sculpture which resides at the Millennium Garden at the Hudson River Park. Each award recipient was given a special edition bronze apple in honor of their commitment and courage to challenge life and inspire others.
VIP Guests included Anna Wintour, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Sarah Jessica Parker, Calvin Klein, Uma Thurman, Keith Richards, Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro just to name a few.
The Urban Zen Foundation is involved into raising awareness and inspiring change in the areas of well-being, empowering children and preserving cultures.