#Don’tJudgeChallenge: negative flashmob


They say social media certainly must motivate people to become better by its hidden meaning. There are millions of videos, posters and many other things on the topic of alcoholism, smoking, abortions and other burning adversities. But sometimes there is just the reverse effect as in case of viral video of beauty blogger Em Ford. We’ll tell you about this in more detail in our new Popsop research.

Everything began after beauty blogger from England Em Ford put on the Web several photos of her face without makeup. Considering the fact that the lady has a nasty form of acneiform rash comments were uncomplimentary. Then the blogger gathered them together and created a video the main idea of which was a phrase: “You are all beautiful! Never let anyone tell you’re not beautiful — not even yourself”. Under the post the author put a hashtag #don’tjudge.


Within a week the video had more than 9 million views on YouTube. However, rather than catching up the wave of solidarity the society organized a flashmob with a deformed name #DontJudgeChallenge. Under it Twitter, Vine and Instagram users show advantages of “normal’ appearance, imitating prominent skin blemishes on their selfie. More than 700 thousand people take part in this in Instagram.




The first flashmob participants’ criticism was not long in coming. They were recalled that acne is a disease but not a reason for jokes and such an entertainment can fill people suffering from skin defects with a thought of their unpleasantness. Nevertheless, the total number of videos on different Internet services stands at dozens of thousands.


Don’t Judge Challenge is in no way the first numerous flashmob the members of which purposely crook their appearance and make #selfie. For instance, self-portraits with the face rolled up with Scotch tape. Also under the movement Pretty Girls, Ugly Faces social media users combined pretty and not really photos.