Firefox Arranged a Design Contest for Its Birthday

Mozilla Firefox is celebrating its fifth birthday and encouraging the fans to show how creative they are. Up to December 8 the users could submit their designs related to the anniversary, and now anyone can come to the Creative Collective homepage and pick out the most stunning work. The winning artist will become really famous with the help of Firefox promotion.


Voting is over on December 31, 2009, and you have not so much time left to go there and choose the most creative and appealing design. The one with the biggest number of votes will win the race and will be featured on Mozilla websites and merchandise, with the artist’s name mentioned on it. Firefox wanted the designs feature the traditional elements of the event, like candles, cake, and other usual stuff representing the occasion, and at the same time be inspirational and reflect the cultural traits. Of course. If used in the picture, the Firefox logo had to remain unchanged.


The number of the contestant will be shortlisted to 5, and then Mozilla will select the most interesting and effective design in terms of communication with users. Except for the fame, the winner will get a special honour badge, and 4 runner-ups will be awarded with it as well.
