Lizzie Velasquez: “Brave heart” in the struggle for survival


From the school years we have known those principles of survival in society. If you are different then you be the subject for sneers. Sometimes such persecutions pursue person all his life, and lead to bitter end. Though there are people who can go through till the end, inspiring thousand other people by their example.

Elizabeth Annie Velázquez  (Instagram @littlelizziev) – is American blogger from Texas, writer, speaker-motivator. She has been suffering from very unusual disease since her birth – the Wiedemann Rautenstrauch syndrome. Her organism isn’t able accumulate fats and muscle tissue, besides girl is blind on left eye. There are only three persons, who suffer from the same disease including Lizzie. She is 27 years old; at her 157 cm she weighs only 29 kg.

In her youth Lizzie found video in the Internet, where she had been called the ugliest girl in the world. There were 4 million reviews and thousands comments: some people offered to shoot herself; another just called her monster, and the rest wondered why parents did not kill such creature after birth. In short, there was nothing positive.

However, instead of following recommendations given by internet critics, Lizzie pulled herself together and made a few steps, which changed her life, society opinion and destinies of many people.

1) She has initiated informational campaign against bullying of people who are different from others. For this purpose Lizzy recorded video called “I’m with Lizzy”, where people of different age, origin and country confirmed that mistreating is inhumanly. Video has got 267 000 reviews and caused a great public outcry.

The most people undoubtedly write positive comments about what a great will should have Lizzie and how right her intensions are.



But there are some people who doubt that uploading video to YouTube can help those who suffer from abusing.


However there are some individuals who regard the girl as the mistake of nature.


2) She delivered a speech on TED Austin Women in Texas. And during her monologue she was talking with irony and jokes about her defects, and remembered variety of details from her teen age, for example how she tried to put on weight eating donuts at night (she certainly wasn’t successful)

Girl’s oratory won hearts not only of festival members but also of internet users. The outcome is more than 9 million reviews; 12 thousand comments have been gained by the video of her speech. And again opinions were divided. However percent ratio was changed – 90% are positive comments, while only 5% — negative.

3) She has lobbied the bill on the protection of American pupils from bullying of classmates in all educational institutes around country. This Lizzie’s performance took place in front of serious public – American Congress. Indeed, the bill had been prepared by Republican Party, though namely Lizzie was speaking about its importance in front of officials in Washington.

Examining response of the society to this stride, it was noticed that there was no negative reaction. There was a part of people left, who doubted about result. But doubts didn’t evoke aggression.


4) She has made the documentary movie “Brave heart: the story of Lizzie Velaskes” about her life. Initially she claimed about her intention on crowdfunding portal Kickstarter. Considerable sum required: 180 000 dollars. However almost $215 000 has been collected. Money for movie was donated by 3564 people from 16 countries. Should we speak after that how far has Lizzie changed public relation to her?



5) She has changed audience attitude to her appearance. Well known that first impression of person is formed by appearance. In addition there is famous statement about how hard to change first impression. But Lizzie has done it. And now she gets so lovely compliments, which are made for far not every girl.



Actually we can speak about Lizzie’s achievements for a long. It ought to be noticed that girl has finished Texas University, and nowadays she is successful speaker, who assembles crowds by her speeches. Moreover Lizzie publishes psychology books, one of which is biographical.

Thus with every step that took Lizzie, she managed to reveal for public that the main human’s quality is not the appearance but inner world, that genuine beauty is not only the facial features, that the will and strong temper will help to overcome all troubles prepared by destiny. Lizzie has sustained against crowd pressure. Isn’t it the excellent example to follow?