Nielsen, a global consumer insights company, has conducted a survey to define the differences in the behavior of modern shoppers across the globe. The «New Wealth, New World» study, based on opinions of more than 29,000 online respondents in 58 countries, shows that in different regions people are driven by different factors (sometimes, opposite ones) when choosing consumer goods.
Some of the key findings of the survey are:
—In developing markets, consumers tend to select aspirational brands, adopt new products more eagerly than an average consumer globally, research about the product and seek for deals. In developed markets, shoppers are usually more cautious and price-driven when choosing a product. They take a skeptical approach and prefer to make choices on their own.
—In Asia-Pacific, more people than in any other region are shopping impulsively and are attracted to designer brands. In China, 74% respondents (more than in other countries) agree that they will pay more for designer products than for those with the same functions. In India, 74% and 56% respondents (more than anywhere) prefer to buy the products of famous brands and purchase and try products earlier than other people respectively.
—Respondents in Latin America are brand-loyal and tend to make well-informed and conscious consumer choices. For instance, 82% of shoppers in Latin America prefer to shop around before purchasing (vs. 68% global average), and 66% collect information before shopping (compare it to 63% average).
—More than two thirds of surveyed shoppers in Italy, Israel, Peru, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Thailand, Vietnam and Spain are especially interested to buy products promoted in the store. Filipinos (77%), Greek (75%) and Vietnamese (74%) are greatly attracted by products with free gifts.
—Asia Pacific is on the top when it comes to buying environmentally friendly products regardless of price (64%) and saving energy/reducing carbon footprint (55%). In North America, shoppers are less eco-minded as compared to shoppers in other regions—43% respondents buy green products even if the price is high and 30% care for energy saving/CO2 reducing options. The global average here is 58% and 46% respectively. India, Vietnam, Turkey, Ukraine and Indonesia are the top 5 countries (71%, 71%, 68%, 63% and 62% respondents) to choose more environmentally friendly products regardless of price.
—The price is the most influential factor for shoppers in North America and Europe in the cosmetics&skin care and personal care. When it comes to health care and medicine, in Europe quality means more (38%), while in North America price is the priority (43%). Europeans prefer to source information in-store about cosmetics&skin care (35%) and personal care goods (26%) and over the Internet (25%) when it comes to health care/medicine. Similar researches were conducted on food/beverage, mobile/personal electronics and non-fast moving consumer goods (clothing, cars, household goods, etc.) Across all the regions and categories, price dominates as the purchasing criteria, followed by design and quality. Internet takes the lead there as the source for information.
—Religion is an important guiding source for over two thirds of the survey’s respondents in Middle East/Africa (71%), and is much less important for European consumers (20%).
—For 77% of global respondents family planning is central. More than three-quarters of people surveyed globally (76%) believe that women should influence the important decisions related to home. The majority of respondents in the Middle East/Africa (62%) and in Asia-Pacific (53%) versus 43 percent of the global average believe that the woman’s most important role is a housewife and/or mother. In North America and Europe, only 31% and 30% respectively think so. Globally, more male respondents (46%) than female ones (39%) agree that a woman’s most important role is a housewife or mother. View the infographics below for more details.
View the full survey findings in PDF here.