Nike Shows New «Girl Effect» Video: Help a Girl Get out of Poverty

Nike is going on promoting the urgent need for giving girls in developing countries more opportunities to get out of poverty. One of its initiatives, Girl Effect, is now being ‘refreshed’ with a new exciting video released. At this year’s Clinton Global Initiative conference (September 21-23), Nike, the recognized influencer in the area of social changes, unveiled its second inspirational spot for the program, encouraging more people to join in, donate and give girls in deprived communities a chance for improving their lives.

The organization was started in 2008 by the Nike Foundation with the ultimate goal to raise awareness of poverty in poor counties and inspire people around the world to contribute to the cause. “The Girl Effect is clear; the economic case for it is very profound. By investing in their education, we help young women and girls avoid early pregnancy, HIV, forced marriage. That completely changes not only their personal trajectory, but that of their family, their community and indeed their country,” says Maria Eitel, Founding CEO and President of the Nike Foundation.

The first video called the «The Girl Effect» is illustrating that even a little girl can help her family and even the whole country battle the economic crisis by earning money and reinvesting the income into her environment—for this she is to go to school, then college or university to make money with her brain, not body and improve her life as well as build more developed and healthy communities. This spot has been viewed nearly 1.5 million times.

The second video, “The Clock is Ticking,” is more centered on the risks a girl of 12 is encountering in her life like geting raped, married, pregnant and even dying before she turns 15. The poor health care and few or not that effective HIV/AIDS awareness programs as well as the lack of educational and financial opportunities makes it virtually impossible for these girls to have normal lives, mature and have babies at the physiologically proper time. Because of all this has become almost a tradition in poor countries, it seems like a dead-end situation, but still there’s a solution. This all can be eliminated with the support of those, who doesn’t hesitate to make a financial contribution to unlock the unique potential of 600 million adolescent girls round the globe.