Pernod Ricard UK Encourages Parents to Talk with Their Children about Alcohol

Pernod Ricard UK has started a massive social campaign, which is aimed at promoting the idea that parents should give their children more information about alcohol and the negative changes it may cause. The campaign is rolling out in a number of national papers, as well as in the digital area (on Facebook, Yahoo and Schools Net).


Through this campaign, we are encouraging parents to accept responsibility regarding educating their children on alcohol. We believe their efforts can make a real difference in tackling this important issue — a good place to seek advice on this matter is the Department for Children, Schools and Families’ (DCSF) website,» noted Pernod Ricard UK CEO Jean-Manuel Spriet.

The Accept Responsibility project is targeted primarily at parents who sometimes do not take the problem as seriously as it should be taken and let their children consume alcohol without any restrictions. They believe that nothing bad will happen because they did it when they were young, and it turned OK. Still, the country does need campaigns of this kind, because the problem of alcoholism is getting worse, and dramatically more young people are in it now than before.

According to the recent NHS survey, 20 % of 11 to 15-year-olds and 41% 15-year-olds said they drank alcohol in the last seven days. Still, 75% of 11 to 15-year-olds admitted that they would like to have a conversation about alcohol with their parents.