This summer, Philips and the renowned director/producer Ridley Scott launched a global filmmaker competition dubbed “Tell It Your Way” following its Cannes Lions award-winning short-film project “Parallel Lines.” The entrants were given a freedom of expression and could take up any theme they wanted, still there were two strict rules—there had to be the exact six-line dialogue as it was in the Parallel Lines films, plus the entries could last no longer than three minutes. Now, with the selection period being over, it’s time to announce the winners.
The touching short film “Porcelain Unicorn” by American director Keegan Wilcox scooped the grand prize, and the comedy “Baby Time” by French director Cedric Petitcollin became the “People’s Choice.” These entries were selected from six hundred submitted works—in the first round, they were shortlisted to ten by a panel of judges from RSA, BAFTA and Philips, then the semi-finalists were put to public voting by YouTube visitors (here the “People’s Choice” was determined), and eventually the top five were shown to Sir Ridley Scott to choose the overall winner on September 21.
The film, selected by the director of “Robin Hood” and “Gladiator,” is extremely moving and sensitive, encompassing the whole range of must-haves of a good melodramatic story—war, children, romantics and emotional meeting after more than half a century has passed. “I chose Porcelain Unicorn to be the winning film as it had a very strong narrative; a very complete story that was well told and executed,” says Sir Ridley Scott, commenting on why he decided to give the main prize to “Porcelain Unicorn.” The second winner, “Baby Time,” is a short episode from a life of a man, who has just became a father—he rushes to see his wife and the newborn, sut ends up in a hospital (as a patient, not as a visitor).
Philips created four prize sets for the winners:
—The grand winner, Keegan Wilcox, will work for a week at Ridley Scott Associates (RSA) offices and receive 7 nights’ accommodation and spending money alongside a Full HD 3D Cinema 21:9 Platinum series Philips TV. His work will be featured on and promoted by Philips.
—“People’s Choice” runner-up, Cedric Petitcollin, will get VIP tickets to an RSA film premiere in New York or London. Philips will cover travel expenses and provide 3 nights accommodation and spending money. He will also receive a Philips Cinema 21:9 Platinum TV.
—5 finalists will be handed a Philips Cinema 21:9 TV.
—5 semi-finalists will also receive a Philips TV.