SC Johnson has enhanced its image as a family company by providing families with information to help them make daily changes to help the environment. The company added a section called Greener Choices to its corporate website.
The Greener Choices page is a social forum that tips on small, easy choices families can make for a better world, as well as an area where people can post their own tips and recommendations.
The section covers four main areas including: Conserving Energy, More with Less, Reduce & Recycle and Everyday Alternatives.
The Greener Choices site also offers ideas from well-known green family blogger Scarlet Paolicchi of the FamilyFocus Blog and FAQs from SC Johnson about its own green practices.
A new a carbon calculator is another highlight of the site that SC Johnson launched in partnership with Conservation International (CI). The easy-to-use tool offers a detailed analysis of a family’s carbon impact based on home energy use, vehicles, diet and more. Then it suggests how to lower your impact and a chance to offset it.
«As a family company, we know change starts at home,» explained Kelly M. Semrau, Senior Vice President—Global Corporate Affairs, Communication & Sustainability. «A conversation at the dinner table leads to a decision to start recycling… and progress grows from there. By giving families easy tips and tools to understand their impact on the earth, we hope to help them make some of the simple but important changes that can add up to a real difference.»
Simultaneously with the presentation of the Greener Choices, SC Johnson launched Windex Mini, a concentrated refill pouch that uses 90 percent less plastic packaging than a traditional 26 fluid ounce trigger Windex bottle. Windex Mini concentrated refill pouches are being sold exclusively on the Greener Choices site and the company invites American purchasers to return to the site to post comments and critiques about their experience with the product.
It reminds of 7Up’s ecological approach. The company has recently started producing 100% recyclable PET bottles in Canada.
The initiative is supported by conversation about greener choices on Twitter at @SCJGreenChoices.