Building on the terrific success of reality show ‘Bud United: Bud House’ that aired during the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Budweiser is going to roll out another sensational project entitled ‘Bud United: The Big Time’. This is a next-gen project launched in course of the Bad United experiental platform. The latest endeavor of the beer brand is all about getting little people hit the big time. The casting is now performed through the brand-operated pages on social media, including Facebook and Renren

Today, May 13, Stella Artois is set to launch a new stylish television advert for its premium 5% lager in the UK.

Le Apart-O-Matic, directed by Hollywood film icons Wes Anderson (Fantastic Mr Fox) and Roman Coppola cleverly combines a witty storyline with stunning sixties inspired cinematography that perfectly reflect the sophisticated values of Stella Artois.

‘Born to See Gaga Contest’ organised by Belvedere Vodka for U.S.  and U.K. residents on Facebook is now closed, which means two lucky winners (and their 2 fellows) have been selected to get free VIP tickets and fly to London to see live stage performance by Lady Gaga in anticipation of her new album ‘Born This Way’. The event will be held May 12 in Annabel’s club in London, which is known as a venue for exclusive hangouts.