Diesel is covering the Calvi on the Rocks music festival, which has been taking place in Corsica for the 10th consecutive year. The casual apparel brand, which is one of the sponsors of this music event, has launched a dedicated tab on its Facebook page, where users are invited to explore highlights from the 6-day festival, which closes today, July 11.
High-quality coffee and great music always sync. Knowing that, Starbucks creates special-edition music albums to celebrate seasons or occasions, ranging from Charismas and Thanksgiving Day to Chinese New Year or, just like it’s now, summer and Latin culture. The new compilation of songs by modern Latin artists, Café con Musica, is created by Nacional Record and celebrates the new wave in modern Latin music and introduces new names, including Colombian fusion act Aterciopelados, hip hop artist Ana Tijoux and electronic DJs Nortec Collective, to Starbucks fans in the USA.
Voting for one of the presidential candidates, people usually place economic, social or political programs on the top, but the environmental issue influences the picture of our future as well. The outdoor, surf and sport-related apparel manufacturer Patagonia, which focuses on ecology in most of its promotions, has launched a new campaign titled Vote the Environment, encouraging Americans to consider candidates’ environmental records before voting in November.