Adidas and Hyper Island Establish Digital Scholarship Fund for International Students

Adidas launches a new scholarship to support students from across the globe in the marketing and data-driven strategy fields. For the fund dubbed “The adidas Fellowship for Future Data Talents,” the sportswear giant once again has teamed up with the digital learning institute Hyper Island in Stockholm, Sweden. This partnership will provide one student with a free-of-charge seat in The Digital Data Strategist program that was first introduced  last year.

adidas buys one seat for an international student in the Digital Data Strategist program at Hyper Island,

Recognizing the importance of  the data-driven innovations, adidas invites international students who are interested in Hyper Island’s Digital Data Strategist program to apply for a 60-week fellowship. “The Digital Data Strategist program brings together students from a diverse professional background—journalism, science, advertising, programming, finance, geography, and more,” reads the dedicated page. The submissions that include traditional papers and a creative task are accepted from May 3 through June 10. The winning candidate will get the tuition fee to study. Normally the 60-week program fee for international students is 162,000 SEK (around $25,000).

The students of the program will study the related courses as well as undertake an internship in the last 14 weeks, most likely at one of the companies in Hyper Island’s international network. This will provide them with valuable experience within the industry as well as give an access to international networking, opening up brilliant career opportunities.

Data driven strategy and marketing opens up for endless possibilities for companies, societies and people; for one thing, brands can get to know their customers better and thereby optimise relations, services and products, having consumer dialogue and user utility in focus,” commented Paulo Ziliotto, senior network marketing manager at adidas. «By issuing a scholarship for Hyper Island’s Digital Data Strategist program, adidas wants to support this exploration and be a part of developing the next generation of data driven talent.”