To facilitate the access to the information on its annual sustainability initiatives, AT&T has redesigned its web site adding interactivity to it.
Photo: the interactive interface, a snapshot from
The interactive site comes along with the company’s annual sustainability report. The web site offers visitors to explore a ‘city’ ‘inhabited’ by stories showcasing the ways people are using the company’s products and services to work more sustainably. It also narrates about the philanthropic and volunteer work the company is doing. Users are encouraged to answer questions about the report. Each answer gives users the chance to direct donations to AT&T-designated charities.
“It is for consumers, but it’s not just for our customers. It’s also for employees and potential employees. We wanted to have an engaging way of talking about what we do,” Beth Shiroishi, VP of sustainability and philanthropy at AT&T, told in an interview to Marketing Daily. “We wanted to offer a compelling way to put forth the data and story of what we do. And we wanted to show how it connects to the communities in which we work.”
AT&T decided to interact with people online because the number of customers searching for and receiving information online is growing.
The key focuses of the 2011 sustainability report is on the partnerships with Bloom Energy to create clean energy as well as cell phone recycling projects in the company’s retail stores. A whole section tells users the story about AT&T’s Aspire program aimed to reduce high school dropout rates across the U.S.
Starting this year, At&T helps consumers reduce their environmental footprints as part of its Digital Life System.