Virgin America offers travelers a great opportunity to try their dating chances while up in the sky. Promoting the launch of the company’s first Las Vegas flight, Virgin America has introduced a new service that allows passengers to flirt onboard. As Sir Richard Branson explains in the dedicated video, “Guide to Getting Lucky,” the revolutionary service enables guests to order drinks, meals and snacks for the person they like over seats using the airline’s Red in-flight entertainment platform.

To celebrate its 40th anniversary in France, WWF (The World Wide Fund for Nature) has launched an imaginative project revolving around the use of fur. Marcel and Publicis Argentina developed a campaign, World Wonder Fur, featuring three “certified 100% imaginary” animals that give away their fur in a totally non-violent way. The initiative includes a scroll-down website, prints, two faux nature documentary spots directed by Brent Harris, and a collection of real clothing and accessories «made of» the fur of the imaginative «world’s new species.»

Mountain Dew takes its relationship with the modern youth culture to the next level by launching a new online platform Green Label, which encompasses the spirit and philosophy of the three brand’s ongoing programs Green Label SoundGreen Label Art and Green Label Exclusives. The  lifestyle hub, developed and run in partnership with Complex Media, is designed to cover the latest news and emerging trends across sound, action, art, style, and places.

Johnson & Johnson is launching a new brand equity campaign “For All You Love,” aimed to tug at the heartstrings and highlight its focus on family values. The effort, developed by TBWAChiatDay, plays around the strong connections between mothers and fathers with their children and children-to-be, as well as with spouses and grandparents, throughout the life.

The epic smartphone war, started by Samsung against Apple, is escalating as a new member, Nokia Windows Phone, enters it with a new commercial created by Crispin Porter + Bogusky. In this new Microsoft’s campaign a smartphone from Nokia comes as a nice solution to those who are tired of figuring out which phone is better, iPhone or Galaxy. Positioning Windows Phone as a smart “peacemaking” option, the commercial invites the audience to consider other choices rather than iOS and Androis-based devices.

Budweiser Brazil has introduced a whole new approach to friending people on Facebook. The beer brand is now testing special glasses, “The Buddy Cups,” which enable anyone to befriend a person by just clinking the cups together with him or her at a party. Thanks to a microchip that is embedded in the bottom of the glass, drinkers can make friends on Facebook instantly, when toasting.

Nike is seeking new approaches that may revolutionize the shoe industry in the nearest future. In partnership with NASA, the U.S. State Department, and USAID, the sportswear giant is announcing the fourth Launch Challenge, calling R&D textile manufacturers to submit their groundbreaking ideas on new sustainable materials and entrepreneurial practices. The LAUNCH System Challenge 2013 that runs from April 24 through July 15, will accept “early bird” submissions starting June 15.