Avon has created its “little” version, Mark. cosmetics to promote make-up products among young ladies of high school and college age. Sticking to its innovative image, Mark. is communicating with its customers through social media and iPhone, avoiding old methods of reaching clients. Conventional door-to-door marketing has been replaced with page-to-page digital sales.
The direct-selling page can be found in a cute Facebook e-boutique, which now has more than 82 thousand fans. The brand is giving a great opportunity to young women to start their own business as well as provide themselves and their friends with make-up products at moderate prices.
«Our rep is our store owner and our customer,» mentions Claudia Poccia, global president of Mark. «She has to have a voice and be able to customize her business. Anything short of that is unacceptable.»
The brand has also launched a free iPhone application for customers to learn about new items directly and immediately from the web . Now the era of print catalogues is definitely coming to its end. The company is also going to create a wish-list widget, which will inform the user’s friends and family-members about her plans.