Every year the WPP-owned consumer insight and trends research agency Mindshare analyses the most recent global cultural trends that impact the marketing and communications strategies of the biggest brands. None of the top 10 «Culture Vulture» 2015 trends would be a revelation for marketers or strategic decision makers, however, some findings might be noteworthy.

Stora Enso, a European and global leading provider of sustainable fiber-based packaging solutions, has conducted an interesting research to learn if Millenials (consumers born between 1980 and 2000) value sustainability in packaging, how eco-friendly packaging influences purchasing decisions, and if it helps increase sales for CPG (consumer packaged goods) companies worldwide.

Trends, trends, trends… With the new 2015 year on the doorstep, all marketing experts make their forecasts on what people would watch, do, eat, wear, etc. The London-based trends and insights agency SBC Partners, part of Havas Media Group, has shared some views on the future of dining, fashion, retail, home, travelling, lifestyle, and more.