Cit­roën & Ora-ïto: Evo-Mobil

The global automobile manufacturer Cit­roën and celebrated French designer Ora-ïto unveiled a new concept of the car, which blends the vision of the Middle Ages engineers with the our era car making traditions. The new creation, named Evo-Mobil, which doesn’t seem to be turned into real vehicles for today’s highways (at least, soon), actually looks more like a spaceship than a car.

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By mixing «func­tio­n­al mo­bil­i­ty of the 16th cen­tu­ry» with the mod­ern world, the designer wanted to devise a product, which comes as an example of «ge­net­ic trans­for­ma­tion,» —the ones within the automobile world.“The icon­o­clas­tic artist wasn’t dream­ing about another con­cept car but a ge­net­ic trans­for­ma­tion. An unu­su­al cre­a­tion re­u­nit­ing more than 400 years of his­to­ry, a re­flec­tion on the evo­lu­tion of the mo­bil­i­ty and the le­g­endary know-how of Cit­roën,” explains the description to the model posted on Ora-ïto’s website.

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He [the designer] cre­ates a mono­typ­ic kind, which pos­sess­es on­ly sin­gle spe­cie. The term “ge­net­ic trans­for­ma­tion” is used to in­di­cate an ir­re­v­ersi­ble mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the ge­net­ic and hered­i­tary in­for­ma­tion. If the trans­for­ma­tion ar­rives up to cells then, it is passed on to the de­s­cen­dants of the mu­tant in­di­vi­d­u­al. This change can get a se­lec­tive ad­van­tage. This is the base of the pro­cess of the evo­lu­tion.

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This cre­a­tion be­comes by def­i­ni­tion a vi­sion in op­po­si­tion with the ag­gres­sive uni­verse of the car in­dus­try. In­spired by the first Cit­roën car and based on his de­sign­er’s com­pe­tences, Ora-ïto won­ders about the er­go­nomics of the in­te­ri­or of the first mo­bile mo­d­ule. He has worked on the codes, the DNA and the phi­lo­so­phy of this in­dus­try to mod­ern­ize it with the pos­si­bil­i­ties and the ex­ist­ing tech­nolo­gies. As­so­ci­at­ed to the re­search and in­no­va­tion de­part­ment of the dy­nas­tic Cit­roën, he has de­vel­oped a sur­pris­ing and un­ex­pect­ed sculp­ture join­ing all the pa­ram­e­ters and the tech­nolo­gies ap­pro­pri­ate for the uni­verse car man­u­fac­tur­ers.”

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