Coca-Cola Joins Toys for Tots at Hollywood Christmas Parade

Coca-Cola’s tradition of helping to bring the Hollywood Christmas Parade to Los Angeles continued this season with an added holiday bonus. This year, the parade served as a springboard for Coca-Cola’s national partnership with the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. Through the partnership, Coca-Cola presented $120,000 to the National Toys for Tots Program. $15,000 of which was presented to the local Terminal Island Toys for Tots organization to help provide underprivileged kids in Los Angeles with gifts this holiday season.

Los Angeles is one of eight cities receiving a $15,000 donation as part of the national program. A remaining seven cities across the country will also be receiving $15,000 donations, totaling $120,000 in support of Toys for Tots helping underprivileged kids across the country this holiday season. In Los Angeles, parade guests supported Coca-Cola’s donation by contributing toys for children in need and taking part in Coca-Cola’s online gift drive.

For those unable to attend the Parade, Coca-Cola kicked off the fourth year of its partnership with Toys for Tots with an online gift drive on The program promotes the magic of giving by encouraging people to donate their My Coke Rewards points to generate gifts for underprivileged kids. Participating is easy for anyone, anywhere. From now through the end of the year, My Coke Rewards points—which can be found under caps and on packaging of more than 60 Coca-Cola North America products—may be donated to Toys for Tots at As the donations accumulate, Toys for Tots will redeem the points for a variety of gifts. With a goal of raising five million points, the program will enable Toys for Tots to put thousands of gifts into the hands of children and teens in need this year.