Soda brands love to emphasize their devotion to ‘energetizing’ their fans even though most of them do not belong to the energy drink category. Coca-Cola continues the tradition of positioning itself as ‘fuel for youth’ and is encouraging creative minds from Singapore to unveil their vision of refreshment which inspires them and people around to take active actions. In its new contest, the brand invites younger consumers to give their own interpretation of this Coca-Cola’s characteristic in any visual form they find appropriate.
From November 15 through December 26, Internet users can submit their works to the official page of the competition for a chance to win one of the monetary prizes—$30,000, $20,000 or $15,000—for their works, which are supposed to express three basic essences: Energy, Forward Momentum, Positive. They are free to select the format of their entry—it can be a 30-60 sec video, a vibrant illustration or a photo. The key criterion is that the composition should extremely positive and convey energy, evoke a feeling of a forward momentum and convey the booming personality of the brand.
To date, there are 1 video and 32 photos submitted through the competition page, hosted on the platform. They will select no winners at all, if there are less than 125 works submitted to the website until the end of the submission period, so Coca-Cola’s fans in Singapore should really turn their creativity on. The winning entries (if the required limit of entries is reached) will be also nominated for Cannes Lions 2011, which is probably more valuable for their creators’ careers than the money.