Coca-Cola: The Secret Is out There

The Wieden+Kennedy agency from Portland is helping unveil one of the secrets of modern soft-drink industry: what is the special formula behind Coca-Cola? To find the answer, the creators made an investigation and now they are inviting us to view the results.

The key element of the campaign is a viral video «The Secret Is out There«, featuring photos of Doc Pemberton, who is said to be the father of the iconic drink, and various images from Coca-Cola’s history album. During the spot, questions like «Who has the ingredients of that formula?«,»Who would want to steal it?» and finally «You would not want to know?» pop up on the screen along with bottle links.

The secret links include @docpemberton Twitter feed and a Facebook «Ahh Giver» application, which allows users to send a message to a friend in video format by a polar bear. They give access to images from “secret” archives, like a collection of Dr Pemberton medical files dated 1886, telegrams, shots featuring a locked vault bearing the keyhole bottle logo made by a camera and many more.

As Coca-Cola is designed to bring happiness to people, another feature also revolves around joy. On the «Smilizer» micro-site visitors can upload their laugh via audio files and make a «bouquet» of up to 12 different laughs by clicking on bubbles.

Coca-Cola will also kick off the happiness discovery project on a number of youth-oriented social networks and websites. The campaign is to be rolling out off-line as well. The limited edition bottles will be launched just for the live music venues, BET and MTV award shows and cafés for young people.