H&M unites UK footballer David Beckham and UK film director Guy Ritchie under one project. The retailer tapped the celebrated director to shoot an ad for H&M’s upcoming David Beckham Bodywear collection, which is set to be released on February 6 internationally, just in time for Valentine’s Day. The new advertising piece, which will be more like a short movie, will feature the England football star demonstrating the pieces from the new collection in action, literally.
Photo: Behind-the-scenes photo from Guy Ritchie’s new campaign for David Beckham Bodywear at H&M, wabout.hm.com (click to enlarge)
In the spot, the 37-year old UK football legend is running through the streets of Beverly Hills, wearing his H&M boxer briefs and a pair of nice slippers. Other pictures from the site show David on a tennis court and spot the celebrity as he’s losing his dressing gown to a car door. Very intriguing. The new tongue-in-cheek campaign will arrive on February 6, coinciding with the launch of the collection, which will include “a new range of colors that echo the action hero theme of the short, with dark navys, reds and utility greens,” says the brand.
“David makes the perfect leading man. For me, this felt more than a campaign—it was like directing a short film,” shared Ritchie. “Working with Guy has been a fantastic experience. I hope everyone has as much fun watching the film as I had making it,” commented said Beckham.
Photo: Behind-the-scenes photo from Guy Ritchie’s new campaign for David Beckham Bodywear at H&M, wabout.hm.com (click to enlarge)
Photo: Behind-the-scenes photo from Guy Ritchie’s new campaign for David Beckham Bodywear at H&M, wabout.hm.com (click to enlarge)