Design Week Awards 2010: Winners

On March 2, 2010 Design Week Awards announced the winners in its 23 categories. The show took place at The London Hilton on Park Lane. The full list of the winners and all of those short-listed can be found at the official website of the award.

Here we introduce the winners and two of the short-listed works in the categories “Branded Packaging” and  «Own-Brand Packaging”.

The Winner in “Branded Packaging

Brand: Johnnie Walker Black Label/Selfridges Centenary Celebration Pack
Design Consultancy: Bloom

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Two of the short-listed works

Brand: Charitea
Design Consultancy: BVD

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Brand: Smokehead 18 Year Old
Design Consultancy: Navyblue

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The Winner in “Own-Brand Packaging

Brand: Boots Original Beauty Formula
Design Consultancy: Camilla Lilliesköld Design & Art Direction

Two of the short-listed works

Brand: Survival Kits
Designer: Dew Gibbons for Boots

Brand: Homebase Grow Your Own
Designer: Turner Duckworth: London & San Francisco

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You can also read the previous article on the theme with some of the short-listed entries.

The 2011 Awards will be launched in Spring 2010.