Eco-activists dye rivers green


What if a persistent and global environmental problem is not obvious to many people? Or maybe no one just pays attention to it? Ecological activists of France have chosen an unusual way to «reach out» to people and show how much each of us pollutes urban water bodies.

Employees of the environmental organization Agents Environment (AE) caused public outcry by dyeing 12 rivers across France with green fluorescent colour. The colour turned out to be quite saturated visually, but it is absolutely safe for water bodies and inhabitants ecologically.

These 12 photos of painted French rivers were wide spread in social networks at the local and international level. By the way, the number of «waterbodies» also included fountains around Paris and the Seine River, flowing in green areas near the iconic monuments of the city.


Such an action was called Operation Green Rivers and was called upon to draw the attention of government officials to increasing the funding for environmental protection. Eco-organization Agents Environment (AE), which includes members of government agencies, national park workers, marine environment defenders and other people who care about the state of both local and global bodies of water, also wrote an open letter to the government. In the letter the organization insisted that environmental problems of France, deferred due to lack of funds and resources for 15 years, should be resolved here and now.

The ecological inspector of the organization Yannick Pognart claims that the environment, its condition and the consequence of pollution are very important not only for France, but for the whole world. Every day there are more and more missions and problems that need to be solved and less money and people to do it all. Therefore, Agents Environment (AE) is not going to rest on its laurels.