The White Roof Project’s: eco-mission of North America


Previously, many houses in North America were covered with simple resin, and you had to spend a lot of money and energy to cool the house in the summer and keep the heat during cold months. The innovative solution for ecology and comfort turned out to be terribly simple.

It’s not the first time people have been paying attention to the fact that resin as a coating for the roofs of city houses is not the most suitable and environmentally friendly material. Therefore, some time ago there was an initiative to paint the roofs green, in order to improve the quality of air by absorbing contaminants in the production of oxygen. Of course, the green roof is a sure way to have a positive impact on the environment, but it turned out there is another colour that deserves more attention.

The White Roof Project’s offers people to paint the roofs of their homes in a white reflective coating that will repel sunlight, significantly reduce indoor temperature and not have a harmful effect on the environment. Thus, this is a quick and inexpensive way to save millions of dollars in electricity costs, to avoid voltage surges and, perhaps, even bear down on climate change.


In addition, statistics shows that white-painted roofs reflect 70% more light than traditional dark ones. This means, instead of the possible 90° F, the black roof can heat up to 180° F, making the interior of the building unbearably hot. White colour solves this problem.

White roofs can cool and reduce the temperature rise in summer in dense urban areas, where the temperature is 5-10 degrees higher than possible temperature on hot days because of the heat emitted by dark surfaces. And for example, in New York, up to 12% of all surfaces is accounted for by the roofs. For the US the full implementation of The White Roof Project’s in 11 cities can save 7 gigawatts in energy use and 750 million dollars every year.

By the way, the organizers and implementers of this mission are the Bowery volunteers in New York. Using a conventional paint roller and manual labour, about 150 people try to help the climate, ecology and economic situation of their country. Now the non-profit project is focused mainly on buildings with low incomes of residents, and it is sponsored by private and volunteer donations. However, this simple solution can change a lot, which means there is a chance that its scale, as well as the funding will be increased in the future.
