Facebook launched a series of changes to the its recently updated News Feed. Yesterday it rolled out a series of improvements designed to keep users always up to date on the important events in your friends’ lives. Now it’s possible even if you haven’t logged in for a few days.
The first change is about the possibility to see all the big events in your friends’ lives since your last log in. It doesn’t matter whether it’s been three minutes or three weeks. Facebook has removed the ‘Top Stories’ and ‘Most Recent’ links on the top of the News Feed and replaced it with a smarter feed that adjusts content based on the last time you checked it. It allows you keep an eye on the important relationship status changes, photos or big life events. The social network is also giving you the ability to tweak the top stories in your News Feeds by marking or unmarking updates as a ‘Top Story.’
“When you pick up a newspaper after not reading it for a week, the front page quickly clues you into the most interesting stories. News Feed will act more like your own personal newspaper,” says Mark Tonkelowitz, an engineering manager at Facebook in a blog post.
The second update regards photos and how they are displayed in the News Feed. Photos will be larger and more prominent.
The third feature Facebook has upgraded is a news ticker above the chat column on the right-hand side. The ticker, which the social network has been testing with a small group of users for the past few weeks, is a real-time feed of all the activity happening in your social graph. It means that the ticker focuses on present activity. And you can comment or interact with the content in real time.
Last week Facebook rolled out two big changes: a revamp of Friend Filters and the launch of the Subscribe Button. More news are surely to come this week during the f8 developer conference, where it is expected to unveil a music and media-sharing platform and even a major profile redesign.