Google e-Books—New Approach to Reading, Buying and Storing Books from Google

On Monday, December 06, Google Inc. officially announced the launch of its new service Google e-Books. This is, without a doubt, the largest collection of all types of books of different genres and by different authors of all epochs. Most of them are available for sale in Google eBookstore—but only to the U.S. citizens so far.  

«We designed Google eBooks to be open. Many devices are compatible with Google eBooks—everything from laptops to netbooks to tablets to smartphones to e-readers. With the new Google eBooks Web Reader, you can buy, store and read Google eBooks in the cloud. That means you can access your ebooks like you would messages in Gmail or photos in Picasa—using a free, password-protected Google account with unlimited ebooks storage», state project developers on the Google official blog.

Google Web Reader also features great flexibility in terms of settings: a user may customize font type and size, switch between day/night reading modes and even choose the  line spacing to their liking.

Such compatibility with a wide range of electronic devices—whether desktop, laptop or mobile (including free applications for Apple and Android)—makes it possible for a user to shop for books and read them on the go and save the books on any device they own. The number of books that can be stored in that virtual library is only limited by the hard disk space of your device — that can be millions of books.

As of the day of the official service launch, such bookshops as Powell’sAlibris and participating members of the American Booksellers Association joined Google’s initiative.