Google Launched the ‘Uncover Your World’ Campaign

To share its search app possibilities with a wider audience, Google launched its new ‘Uncover Your World’ campaign using rich digital media possibilities and even 3-D printed sets. 

‘Uncover Your World’ was created as an immersive digital experience by Grow Interactive. The studio spent seven weeks creating very detailed and precise elements of the ad. The project had to be modeled in 3-D software and every element was 3-D printed in miniature and assembled into a 10-foot set, which was then used to capture all components in stop motion.

“We used a powder-based, color 3D printer that took our custom, 3D models and built them from hundreds of layers of fine powder and glue.  In that transition from digital to printed objects, we created a very unique visual: highly detailed, slightly grainy, and seemingly handmade,” explains Drew Ungvarsky, Creative Director at Grow in a post on the studio’s official blog.

The Google search app is available via Google’s media platform, AdMob, and 3-D modeling and printing are added to enhance the visual dimensional experience. This media platform includes integration of inline audio and video with other phone features like the accelerometer, which reacts when the device is being tilted and paralaxing, which moves images around in front of a stationary background, says Fast Company.

A short intro video shows users views of a nondescript city block, depicted as a 3-D model against an out-of-focus metropolitan backdrop. Buildings get splashed with vibrant colors — the company’s signature red, yellow, green, and blue).

By tapping on ‘painted’ buildings users explore the app in a playful way. For instance, in ‘Shooting Gallery’ users have to ‘shoot’ recognizable items (art, bar codes, text, etc.). They have to differentiate it from the unrecognizable ones (people, animals, silverware, etc.)

The process of creating the ad was videoed providing viewers and the product users with additional information on the unique Google’s experience of representing its digital products in the virtual world.

Another news from the technology giant is that Google TV will soon be launched in the UK.