HEINEKEN Challenges Creative Minds around the Globe to Redefine the Draught Beer Experience

It’s nearly impossible to create a better beer formula, but creative minds can offer new approaches to take the beer drinking process to the next level. As part of its Ideas Brewery project, HEINEKEN is challenging innovators from all around the globe to think and offer some new draught beer experiences. It is the second Open Innovation Challenge within the project (in April, when the Ideas Brewery was founded, the company called beer fans to create the innovative packaging for beer), and the beer maker wants contestants to use all their talent and technological solutions from other fields, the entertainment and gaming industries to name a few, to develop a truly stunning experience.

The entrants have just two months to submit their ideas—the contest is running here from July 31 through September 28, with the winners to be announced in November. In return for brilliant concepts, HEINEKEN will invite the winner to participate in a two-day expert-led workshop in Amsterdam and hand him or her $10,000. Unfortunately, the competition is not global—it’s open only for the residents of Austria, Brazil, Canada (excl. Quebec & Yukon), China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Mexico, Spain, and the UK & US (excl. California).

The submissions get featured on the challenge page—so far, it features three ideas from Man Yong Toh, which include the beer glasses filled from the bottom, a brick wall beer dispenser and the tap-app, which allows to order beer avoiding to get into the queue. To spread the word about the new challenge and encourage fans to create bright concepts, HEINEKEN teamed up with stand-up comedians Adam Fields and Samba Schutte, who shared their own fantastic approaches to reinventing the draught beer experience.