Heineken, an iconic international beer brand, launched sweepstakes and offers a one-of-a-kind prizes to the winners: a retro fridge, a flat-screen TV and a high-end chair. What makes those items special is not their price, but rather the fact all of them are decorated by the award-winning New-York based artist Jayson Atienza. Jayson has a signature painting style that consists of sophisticated water color and ink designs. This time his brush touched the items to communicate a part of the iconic brand identity and energy of Heineken to this household items that we see every day.
Jayson added a fresh artistic touch to this items, by incorporating the Heineken green and red colors and the iconic red star into each of these works of art.
Heineken Holiday Capsule is open to legal residents of the United States of the legal drinking age, except for the residents of several states. The drawing will be running thourgh December 31, 2010. Visit the project website at www.agenda.complex.com/heinekenholiday/win to register and participate or learn more about the project.